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Premises Liability

Make Sure You Are Properly Represented

The Law Offices of Scott Mackenzie has experience settling cases against homeowners, landlords, businesses, and public entities. Our premises liability attorneys are here to help you under any failed maintenance case. We are here to fight for your rights and get you the settlement you deserve. 

Committed to Compassionate & Aggressive Advocacy Serving Texas Statewide - (972) 890-7804


If you sustained injuries in an accident at a business, another person’s home, or on a municipality’s property, contact our premises liability lawyers right away.

The Law Office of Scott Mackenzie is experienced in fighting for compensation that covers:

  • Medical expenses

  • Disability

  • Loss of income

  • Mental anguish

  • Pain and suffering

  • Loss of consortium

  • Disfigurement

Proving Negligence in a Texas Premises Liability Case


In order to receive compensation in Texas premises liability case, the plaintiff must prove the owners negligence by proving the four elements of a premises liability claim. 

The four elements of premises liability include:

  • The property or landowner had prior knowledge of a dangerous property condition.

  • The condition posed an unreasonable level of danger or risk to others.

  • The property or landowner failed to adequately warn visitors of the condition or did not reasonably reduce or eliminate the condition.

  • The injuries sustained by the plaintiff were directly caused by the property or landowner’s negligence.

While it is legally permissible for you to handle a premise liability claim on your own, it is not recommended. When seeking to prove the negligence of a property owner, it is crucial to hire a team of legal professionals who can build a strong portfolio of evidence to support your claim.

It is also important to place the oversight of your case in the hands of attorneys who have years of experience negotiating with insurance companies and who can help prevent them from taking advantage of you.

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